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- Univacco Receives Compostability Certification
Caso de estudio
Univacco Receives Compostability Certification
May 17, 2021
Univacco Technology Inc. has gained a DIN CERTCO certificate for hot stamping foil 705, confirming that as an additive that is safe for the composting process.
Univacco 705 fulfills the evaluation criteria for compostable materials through rigorous lab testing as outlined in the European Standard EN13432 and North America Standard ASTMD6400. After decomposition, substrates decorated by Univacco hot foil 705 leave no toxic residues nor show any negative effects on the environment.
Caso de estudio
Univacco 705 fulfills the evaluation criteria for compostable materials through rigorous lab testing as outlined in the European Standard EN13432 and North America Standard ASTMD6400. After decomposition, substrates decorated by Univacco hot foil 705 leave no toxic residues nor show any negative effects on the environment.